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Praxis Nik

Tim Nik – Privatpraxis für Psycho- und Sexualtherapie (nach Heilpraktikergesetz)

Imagery Rescripting & Reprocessing Therapy: A Transformative Approach to Healing Trauma

Imagery Rescripting & Reprocessing Therapy: A Transformative Approach to Healing Trauma In the evolving landscape of mental health therapy, Imagery Rescripting & Reprocessing Therapy (IRRT) stands out as a powerful and transformative approach. Developed by Dr. Smucker and her colleagues in the late 1980s, IRRT integrates cognitive-behavioral techniques with imaginative processes to help individuals reframe […]

The Silent Strain: How Arranged Marriages Can Impact Sex Life

The Silent Strain: How Arranged Marriages Can Impact Sex Life Arranged marriages, while varying greatly across cultures and personal beliefs, have long been a staple in many societies. The idea that families can select a compatible partner, fostering a union grounded in tradition, respect, and shared values, can be reassuring. However, an often-overlooked aspect of […]

Pornography Consumption: A Comprehensive Look for Singles and Couples​

Pornography Consumption: A Comprehensive Look for Singles and Couples Pornography is a widely consumed form of entertainment that sparks diverse opinions and debates. Whether single or in a relationship, the consumption of pornography carries potential benefits and drawbacks. This blog aims to explore these facets, providing a balanced perspective for both individuals and couples. Pros […]

Understanding and Addressing Sexual Preference Disorders

Understanding and Addressing Sexual Preference Disorders Sexual preference disorders, also known as paraphilias, are characterized by intense and persistent sexual interests outside the norm, often involving non-consenting individuals, non-human objects, or causing distress or harm. Understanding these disorders is essential for providing effective treatment and support to those affected.  What are Sexual Preference Disorders? Sexual […]

Understanding the Freeze, Fight, and Flight Responses in Schema Therapy​

Understanding the Freeze, Fight, and Flight Responses in Schema Therapy Schema Therapy, a comprehensive and integrative approach to treatment, focuses on identifying and altering deeply ingrained patterns, or schemas, that develop during childhood and are often carried into adulthood. These schemas can lead to maladaptive coping responses when triggered by stressors or perceived threats. Among […]

Creating Safe Spaces: A Commitment to Inclusivity and Support

Creating Safe Spaces: A Commitment to Inclusivity and Support In today’s fast-paced and often chaotic world, finding a place where one feels truly safe and supported is invaluable. Safe spaces are sanctuaries where individuals can express themselves openly, seek solace, and find refuge from the challenges of everyday life. As a practitioner, I am deeply […]

Debunking Myths: What Couples Counseling Is Not

Debunking Myths: What Couples Counseling Is Not Couples counseling, also known as couples therapy or marriage counseling, is a valuable resource for many relationships facing challenges. However, there are several misconceptions about what couples counseling entails and what it can achieve. In this article, we’ll debunk some of these myths and clarify what couples counseling […]

The Phases of the Female Orgasm​

The Phases of the Female Orgasm The female orgasm, a subject often shrouded in mystery and misconceptions, is a fascinating aspect of human sexuality. While it’s commonly known that women can experience intense pleasure and climax, the intricate phases leading up to and during the orgasm are worth exploring.  The Arousal Phase: Similar to men, […]

Understanding the Spectrum: Exploring the Various Forms of Dementia​

Understanding the Spectrum: Exploring the Various Forms of Dementia Dementia is a broad term used to describe a decline in cognitive function severe enough to interfere with daily life. While Alzheimer’s disease is perhaps the most well-known form of dementia, there are actually several different types, each with its own unique characteristics and challenges. In […]

Cultivating Wellness: The Mental Health Benefits of Gardening and Houseplants

Cultivating Wellness: The Mental Health Benefits of Gardening and Houseplants In a world that often feels chaotic and overwhelming, finding moments of tranquility and peace is essential for maintaining our mental well-being. One surprisingly effective way to achieve this is through gardening and nurturing houseplants. Beyond just adding aesthetic appeal to our living spaces, engaging […]

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